In order to be compliant with the Missouri law known as the “Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act," the Gallatin R-V School District conducted sampling and testing of all potential drinking water sources in the school in August of 2023. The results of the water testing, including the recommended corrective actions, are in the link below. All drinking fountains and food preparation areas in the district are safe and do not require any remediation. The district has disabled any sinks or fixtures in areas identified in the remediation plan. Much of the district's remediation plan includes the replacement of specific faucets and the posting of signage indicating the water from the faucet is non-potable and to be used for hand washing only. These areas included primarily classroom sinks in the north end of the elementary buildings. The fixtures identified are not typically used for drinking water. Signage is and will be installed for specific faucets/locations that are to be used as Non-Potable Water for Hand Washing Only. The testing was conducted by Keystone Laboratories, LLC. The remediation plan and recommendations are included in the attached letter.
Link to Lead Water Testing Letter (PDF/Google Drive)